I'm a believer that privacy is standard expectation for all digital services.

There's a few blog posts about the technical implementation of this website, but in short I use next.js to generate static HTML pages. I host on Firebase. DNS is handled by Google Domains also, so Google will likely get to see your IP address when you visit this website.

For some basic analytics I use getinsights.io which is a service that promises a privacy-foucsed approach to analytics. I don't see any user-specific data, however I do send data to GetInsights that includes your IP address, browser, and operating system. This is all anonymized and aggregated, and I don't see any personally identifiable information.

If you contact me via email, I'll do everything I can to keep your personal information but I'll be holding some of your personal information in that instance. It's a personal email address that runs through Apple's iCloud service. Apple talks good game on privacy too, so I'm confident that it'll be as private as email can be.

There's no cookies, no local storage or any other funny-business on this site. It's just a place for me to write about things I'm interested in with no ulterior motives.